USCIS announces that premium processing will resume

05/29/20 | COVID, Immigration Law, Recent News

Over the past 10 weeks, USCIS has not accepted any cases for premium processing, due to COVID-19. However, they have just announced that they will resume premium processing (Form I-907) over the next several weeks, in several phases. While USCIS has indicated that these dates are subject to change, the following is the anticipated schedule for resumption of premium processing:

June 1, 2020: USCIS will accept premium processing requests for all eligible Form I-140 Petitions.

June 8, 2020: USCIS will accept premium processing requests for the following Form I-129 Petitions for nonimmigrant visa (NIV) classifications that were filed before this date.

  • Already-pending cap-exempt H-1B petitions, which includes cap exempt petitioners, as well as beneficiaries already counted against the cap
  • Already-pending petitions for any other NIV (nonimmigrant visa) category that is eligible for premium processing

June 15, 2020: USCIS will accept premium processing requests for certain additional Form I-129 petitions.

  • Concurrently-filed cap-exempt H-1B petitions (cap exempt petitioners, as well as beneficiaries already counted against the cap)
  • Upgrades to pending cap-exempt H-1B petitions (cap exempt petitioners, as well as beneficiaries already counted against the cap) filed on or after June 8

June 22, 2020: USCIS will accept premium processing requests for the following remaining types of Form I-129 petitions: for all H-1B cap-subject petitions and all other new NIV petitions that are eligible for premium processing.

  • All H-1B cap-subject petitions for FY2021, including “upgrades” to H-1B cap cases that are already pending, as well as filing the premium processing request concurrently with a new petition.
  • All other NIV categories for concurrently-filed petitions, where the classification is eligible for premium processing.

For more information, contact Jennifer West at

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